TFL was going through a period of huge change from an infrastructure and organisational point of view and staff were being bombarded with updates and new information all the time.
New job roles, tasks and activities were developed to be rolled out to the workforce. This work took the form of a 140 page document that was unwieldy and very difficult to navigate and understand.
We worked with TFL to develop a solution that presented this information easily and took into consideration the nature of the business – e.g. underground stations.

As part of the new way of working, all staff were being issued with an iPad mini, so with this information and talking to the client we recommended a web-app solution.
The web-app would allow staff to search for their job role in a specific station and would present their new tasks and activities in an attractive easy to navigate way. As well as personally relevant information, it also gave staff an overall picture of that task within the business.
The web-app would automatically cache whenever the member of staff was in a connected part of the station, so it would always be up to date, but could also be accessed underground.

The webapp launched to a pilot number of people and has now been rolled our across the Underground network.
The feedback from employees in the UK has been incredibly positive and this has been supported by the high take-up of the app. It’s simple, streamlined and it works. And, ultimately, employees feel empowered and recognised.

Transformational Communications
Cultures don’t shift easily. Change initiatives have a history of resistance and failure. But strategic comms can change that.
Addressing your people’s needs and highlighting a shared vision will spark a new way of thinking, behaving and being.