The Power Of Face-to-face Events

Let’s face it – events are great! And we absolutely love helping our clients put them on.
In today’s workplace, where so much interaction is done digitally, there is something really special about the power of people actually chatting, learning, and resolving issues, face-to-face. As Apple’s CEO Tim Cook once said…
“For all of the beauty of technology, and all the things we’ve helped facilitate over the years, nothing yet replaces human interaction.”
We asked our clients what they liked best about holding events as well as having a think ourselves, and this is what we’ve learnt.
PowerPoint is yesterday.
People are turning away from traditional stage presentations. They are seen to be too passive, a bit dull, and lacking in the give and take of a natural conversation. Instead, more of our clients are asking for breakout rooms and small groups of managed, highly interactive sessions. That way, everyone gets a say and everyone gets involved.
Big isn’t necessarily better.
You don’t have to hire the ExCel Centre to host an event. Some of the more engaging events are in-office, or perhaps held in a conference room. The trend is to pick a theme and work it through the event to make it memorable. You’ll be more likely to get more employee interactions at a smaller venue, and because by nature, they are more creative, the smaller scale events can be really memorable and fun too.
Office mini golf anyone?
Bring your employees along on the journey.
Employees like events where they're heard by decision makers. Interactive sessions that give employees the opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback can be really motivating. Especially if they see that the business is listening and acting on their findings. It is important that your people feel as though they’re being brought on a journey.
One big family.
As clients and their customers grow, events are an invaluable way of communicating messages and most importantly, underpinning employee engagement. Think of them as being part of your company’s DNA – they not only impact and exchange knowledge they are also a source of memories and information that will be shared in years to come.
Emoji-free communication.
All companies, no matter how big or small, understand the power of face-to-face interaction. It’s why they make huge efforts to hold conferences, town hall meetings, product launches, and training workshops. These events are the best way to bring together disparate workforces, and even people who work together day in, day out.
We’ve been helping our clients put on events for over 20 years now – feel free to check out our showreel here – and they’ve not only put a smile on their employees’ faces and given them a voice, but have added value to the business in terms of employee loyalty, education, and overall wellbeing.
Give us a call if you’re interested in finding out more about the event service we have to offer – we’re happy to chat anytime!