It’s A Dogs Life…

The conversation around mental health both in and out of the workplace is becoming more and more commonplace. There is a growing quest for ways to make working life a better experience and one of the latest areas to get an increased focus and investment wellbeing.
We are doing a raft of great things with our clients around this subject, from educational campaigns on looking after yourself a bit more, to communicating Employee Assistance Programmes, to encouraging a culture of openness and support.
But one thing that we swear by here at Avvio is DOGS... yes dogs.
We’ve got three of them here at Avvio Reply and we love having them around. They make a great ice-breaker with clients, they make us go for walks during the day and they remind us that there are more important things to life.
Not only is there that intangible good feeling you get when they're around, there have been ample studies that concluded a number of positive benefits for employee's wellbeing;
- Reducing a person’s stress levels, by quite a lot.
- Increased job satisfaction, team co-operation and morale have all been reported in employees that spend the workday with their pets.
- A boost in the productivity and happiness of the employees within your company.
For all you stat lovers out there, here are a few to get you excited. Blue Cross research shows that;
- Over 90% of businesses that allow dogs at work say it’s made a positive change to the workplace
- Half have noticed a decrease in absenteeism
- 67% said it improved staff morale
And if you need social media to ratify your thinking then check this out - every year since its inception in 2014 #BRINGYOURDOGTOWORKDAY has trended at #1 on Twitter. In the words of a sexy vampire Keifer Sutherland… “how can that many people be wrong”.
So here’s to man’s (and women’s) best friend and if a dog isn’t possible we can help you find a dog substitute with our raft of amazing wellbeing programmes up our sleeve… give us a shout… we’ll have the doggie treats ready for you.